(Everything Subject to change. Life is like that.)
I'm retired. That doesn't mean I have or will quit teaching. I love it too much to ever quit completely. I've been doing this for a decade to make a living, to keep my family fed and sheltered. Don't need to do that anymore. From this point on, less work travel. I'll be teaching more to hang with friends or explore new places than to make a living. And when I do teach, heavy emphasis on the things that interest me, which may not be what most people need.
There are three people who have jumped through all the hoops and can teach the Chiron Curriculum:
Tammy Yard McCracken: If you want the gravitas of a Psy.D or a ferocious female perspective, contact Tammy. tym@koreselfdefense.com
Paul DiRienzo: If you want someone with personal fitness chops, a boatload of charisma and an ability to help you run your business and teach better, you want Paul. paul_dirienzo@yahoo.com
Malcolm Rivers: If youwant the information backed up with experience that has ranged from Boston gangland to Harvard, get hold of Malcolm. malcolm.rivers@gmail.com
If you can make it worth my while, email me: rory@chirontraining.com
7-9: Port Townsend, WA
14-17: Radcon
MARCH 2020
1: Reserved
6-8: Attending Uechi Winterfest, Mt. Dora, FL
11: Qual @CC range. 0700
28: Team Teach w/ Kevin Jackson, Hillsboro, OR. 3hrs Aftermath and Articulation, 3hrs close-range.
APRIL 2020
13-20: Reserved
30-4th May: Urban survival in Croatia
MAY 2020
30 Apr-4 May: Attending Urban Survival in Croatia with Toby and Selco
16-17: InFighting. Many Roads Martial Arts Center, Portland, OR
21-23: VioDy meeting, MN
JUNE 2020
5-7: Lillishore Sports Centre, UK team teaching with David Wignall. Should be fun and comprehensive. Contact David.
Rest of June probably teaching elsewhere in UK
JULY 2020
11-12: Boise
30-Aug 6: Evolve-Move-Play camp (not committed)
July 30-Aug 6: Evolve-Move-Play camp (not committed)
28-30: ABBB
11-13: Rustycon
Hinnerup, Denmark “How to Run Scenarios”
And possibly more in Europe
1-4: Evolve-Move-Play camp (not committed)
14-20: Mega Prime VioDy